
Register: Arithmetic


Statistical post-processing methods that are arithmetic calculations

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is a Register | Container | Collection
submitted bynws code registry administrator

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description Statistical post-processing methods that are arithmetic calculations
ember Bias correction | Absolute error | Sine | Cosine2 | 25pt Stencil | Backward average | Difference | 9pt Stencil | Forward average | Product | Minimum, continuously processed | Cosine | Algebraic error | Maximum of a sample | Gradient | Sine2 | Mean, continuously processed | Maximum, continuously processed | Mean of a sample | Summation | Minimum of a sample
label Arithmetic
membership predicate ember
modified 2 Sep 2020 17:38:35.019
notation Arith
type Register | Container | Collection
version info 10
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Name Notation Description Types Status
25pt Stencil 25ptStencil Application of a statistical operator to a central point of i... Concept stable
9pt Stencil 9ptStencil Application of a statistical operator to a central point of i... Concept stable
Absolute error AbsErr Calculation of absolute error Concept stable
Algebraic error AlgErr Calculation of algebraic error Concept stable
Backward average BackAvg Calculation of a backward average Concept stable
Bias correction Bias Bias correction Concept stable
Cosine Cos Cosine Concept stable
Cosine2 Cos2 Cosine2 Concept stable
Difference Diff Calculation of arithmetic difference Concept stable
Forward average FwdAvg Calculation of a forward average Concept stable
Gradient Grad Calculation of a gradient over specified distance Concept stable
Maximum of a sample Max Maximum of a sample Concept stable
Maximum, continuously processed MaxCont Maximum, continuously processed Concept stable
Mean of a sample Mean Mean of a sample Concept stable
Mean, continuously processed MeanCont Mean, continuously processed Concept stable
Minimum of a sample Min Minimum of a sample Concept stable
Minimum, continuously processed MinCont Minimum, continuously processed Concept stable
Product Prod Calculation of arithmetic product Concept stable
Sine Sin Sine Concept stable
Sine2 Sin2 Sine2 Concept stable
Summation Sum Calculation of arithmetic sum Concept stable